PlayStation 4: Tutti i trailer dei giochi annunciati

Basta cliccare a zonzo: tutti i trailer dei titoli mostrati su PlayStation 4 sono disponibili qui, ora. Buona visione!

Nella notte di ieri l’ammontare gli annunci e il relativo materiale pubblicato da Sony sulla sua nuova PlayStation 4 abbonda, a dir poco. Visto che le notizie sulla neo-annunciata console Sony continuano ad affluire e ad animare le discussioni sul Web, abbiamo pensato di raggruppare in un unica pagina tutti i trailer mostrati nel corso dell’evento newyorkese di giorno 20.

Di seguito i primi scorci di next gen PlayStation, buona visione:

ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url


ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url

ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url